I’m linking you to a blog I came across that says very well what I’ve been thinking about the past few days while our world is in the midst of a pandemic. The reason we’re doing what we are doing is because we think locally grown food is VERY IMPORTANT. The blog attached is a list of Five Reasons to Shop at Farmers Markets… (Thanks Lori!) I might add, I feel that having access to food grown locally is absolutely essential! And perhaps something we often take for granted. Anyone feeling vulnerable and worried about where their food might come from in the coming days??
Rest assured, we’ve already begun planting and growing even though there’s still snow on the ground. We will have food for our community. We will work hard to grow the best, healthiest, organic, tastiest, freshest fruits and veggies we can!
Local farms need support from local shoppers! We need loyalty. This is nothing new as of the COVID-19 global outbreak, but it is a great reminder that local food is precious and everyone has a role to play in keeping our local farms going. Please take some time to reflect on your food buying habits and perhaps consider how you might choose to invest in what’s being grown in your local community. For ideas take a read on the Farmers Market blog mentioned above and please visit our CSA page to see one of my favourite ways folks are getting their share (and security) in the harvest for 2020.
We are feeling ever so privileged to get to grow awesome food for our community. Won’t you join us in being grateful in the midst of chaos around us.
~With love, Kat