Online Ordering Available!!

Online Ordering Available!!

Place your order online and arrange easy pick-up.   Check out what’s available through our online store.  Pick ups in Vernon and Armstrong.  This list is updated weekly with what is fresh and ready!...
C O V I D-19 action at Pilgrims’ Produce

C O V I D-19 action at Pilgrims’ Produce

At Pilgrims’ we are making room for changes in light of COVID-19 and the new health regulations.  It is our goal to grow quality food for our local community!  Rest assured we are already planting lots of food and coming up with new ways to help you access...
food security and local farms

food security and local farms

I’m linking you to a blog I came across that says very well what I’ve been thinking about the past few days while our world is in the midst of a pandemic.  The reason we’re doing what we are doing is because we think locally grown food is VERY...